Following the 2012 event that tried to provide an impulse towards growth and progress, AFIT organizes in partnership with ATR the ROMANIAN TRANSLATION FORUM 2013, with the slogan “Winning together”.
This year’s event aims at creating a common space for all professionals in the field, translation company managers, freelance translators and interpreters, project managers, as well as academic staff. The multiple perspectives to the translation industry highlighted within RTF 2013 consolidate technological, academic and marketing approaches in a dynamic format, with market oriented presentations held by internationally well-known keynote speakers.
This forum, organized by AFIT in partnership with ATR, aims at identifying and promoting best practice examples, where translation companies and freelance translators co-operate with common ends and interests, so as to bring closer all motivated professionals in the industry.
Moreover, the event includes exciting presentations from our sponsors, related to translation software news, especially in the context of integrating Computer Aided Translation solutions with those of Project Management and Quality Assurance.
This event is a great networking and mutual promotion opportunity. Consequently, freelance translators and interpreters will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to attending translation companies, in order to establish business contacts of mutual interest.
We’ll have the opportunity of winning together based on the expertise of international keynote speakers, of winning together mutual trust following the direct interaction between companies and translators, of winning together the time otherwise necessary to acquire such valuable information and best practice examples, and of winning together against the latest challenges faced by the translation and interpreting professionals.
RTF 2013 has been designed to help the various stakeholders in our industry focus on what brings them together, rather than on what divides them.