Sponsori de Platină

All products of Kilgray, such as memoQ, the memoQ server, qTerm, memoQWebTrans and Language Terminal, are designed to facilitate, speed-up and optimize the entire translation process. The networked translation solutions of Kilgray are team-oriented and scalable for use by small translation teams as well as large enterprises. Used by thousands of translators, language service providers and enterprises throughout the world, memoQ and other Kilgray tools are appreciated as premiere translation technologies.

AIT was founded in 1998. The company has developed 11 software products for translators and translation agencies. AIT software products effectively optimize workflows for more than 900 translation agencies. Thousands of freelance translators all over the world use one or more AIT programs to manage their business.
AIT is an active member of the largest professional translation associations:
• Globalisation and Localisation Association (GALA)
• American Translators Association (ATA)
AIT is fully involved in the activities of international associations of software developers:
• Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP)
• Trialware Professional Association (TPA)
• Software Industry Professionals (SIP)
• Organization of Independent Software Vendors (OISV)
Websites: translation3000.com, projetex.com, anycount.com, to3000.com
Sponsor de aur

Basic functions include quote, order and invoice management, financial reports, flexible job and translation workflow management as well as deadline, document and customer relationship management.

Furnizăm servicii de interpretare simultană şi consecutivă pentru instituţii publice si private din ţară şi din străinătate, organizaţii, societăţi comerciale şi persoane fizice.
Fiecare dintre interpreţii noştri are studii de interpretare de conferinţă, experienţă şi cunoştinţe solide în diferite domenii, ceea ce ne face competitivi şi capabili să răspundem cerinţelor clienţilor la cele mai înalte standarde profesionale.
Înainte de orice ne animă pasiunea pentru profesiile de interpret de conferinţă şi traducător cărora ne dedicăm cu toată seriozitatea, profesionalismul şi setea de cunoaştere caracteristice.
Pentru mai multe informaţii despre activitatea noastră vă invităm să ne vizitaţi la: www.interpretideconferinta.ro şi la https://www.facebook.com/pages/Interpreti-de-Conferinta/181398115207429.

Vizitati-ne pe Facebook sau pe www.euroeducational.ro!

XTRF delivers immediate time – and cost-savings through the automation of the project management tasks. Fully automated project management, workflow visualization tool, and impressive integration with industry-standard CAT tools serve to reduce your overheads. What is more XTRF meets your communication challenge head on with built-in and feature-rich client portals. XTRF can exercise precise control over project budgets, and offers impressive intelligent systems.
Thanks to dedicated plugins and network-ready design XTRF is an answer to fixed and off-the-shelf systems that are often out of date before installation.